religious fools
The chief characteristics of religion throughout history are (1)belief in a deity, (2)a doctrine of salvation, (3)a code of conduct (4)the use of sacred texts and (5)religious rituals. Also religion requires a leap of faith to explain some things that are not explained by science or are in contradiction to science. The Global Warming Religion fits this bill, a branch of the commi-enviro religions. Practitioners believe in the earth, pre-civilization, unmolested by humans as the supreme deity. Their doctrine of salvation is to take humanity back to the time before industrialisation. To do this, all sins against the earth must be recanted such as - so called -polluting CO2 greenhouse gasses (water vapor is also a greenhouse gas, btw). Recycling and energy reduction also weigh heavily in their code of conduct, as well as keeping developing nations undeveloped. Their sacred texts are many but the most authoritative would be the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports. Their rituals include advocating policies of human sacrifice of technological progress, by abandoning hydro-carbons, and all human activities that change the earth. Followers of this religion may be know as Greens or EcoFreinds, and follow their prophet Al Gore. They label as heretics any Global Warming Religion deniers, and excommunicate scientist from the climate change community if they worship false idols or are skeptical of the computer models (enlightenment advances such as the scientific method have not caught on yet with the Debate is Over Crowd). The leap of faith they take is that man-made CO2 causes global warming and that global warming will make life on earth less habitable. With the great prophet predicting only ten years to act, it should not be too long before a giant pitcher of Kool-Aid is mixed up at Davos.
Great post, and absolutely true!
This simply remarkable message
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