dehumanization of foes


If one can't win a debate or make a rational statement of logic to persuade opinion to their view, they can always attempt to discredit their opponent by claiming unhumanity. So if a president has an ideology which is coarse to ones good sensibilities, it would be worth mentioning that he looks like a monkey. That way when a policy proposal is advanced to reform social security or introduce more market forces to healthcare, one does not have to argue over actuary statistics, but rather just point out the non human features. The same applies to those who are of the laissez-faire persuasion. It is far easier to denounce the obvious benefits of capitalism if the characeture of pig is assigned to its practitioners. In rare circumstances when ones human opponent is clearly human, one can question the legitimacy of their birth, as in the case of the wealthy (rich bastards). One can also question their policy adversary's psychological sanity, feelings and emotions about caring, or intelligence due to religious beliefs, to avoid a debate over the facts. Do not leave it to chance, while arguing the finner points of the perpetual fight over inequality, but rather make certain that your opponent is seen as a less equal member of humanity.

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