syntheses theory vs practice


Hegel's thesis, anti-theses, syntheses is being challenged today by modern liberal democracy. Witness the current domination of marxist dogma over any current economic debate. It would seem to the rational mind that capitalism has won the war of ideas over the last three decades, but the current state of synthesis is skewed horribly in favor of the marxists. Tax cuts, even when defended by the capitalists, are defended on the grounds that they help the poor, not that they are fair for the rich. The correct approach of being equally fair to all seems to lack legitimacy if it leads to increased wealth disparity. The fact that the progressive income tax and property value tax, are completely entrenched as fair in society at large is a marxist victory. If ones house is valued at a million dollars or 50k does one not receive the same police and fire protection; the same road and school neighborhood effects. Does not the person who makes six figures receive the same national defense as the person making 20 grand? And with the estate tax, the government gets to double dip, and this is justified by the fact that it only effects the supper rich. Again the basic fairness of these policies is not even debatable in the 'national dialog'. It is always stated that "cannot the richest nation on earth afford to increase government spending on such and such anti-wealth gap program" Its never asked how long we will remain the richest nation on earth with such policies. Nor is it ever pointed out that maybe we are the richest nation on earth because we didn't go down the socialist road as far as some other nations. It raises the possibility of collusion among the worlds political class in the o.e.c.d., to not let a direct comparison available. Marxism lost on paper but is winning in practice.

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