brave new cell research


Now with these stem cells they can clone one person and repeat multiple times (how egalitarian). That way everyone would be equal (and identical). Don't worry multiculturalism won't go away. Everyone will be randomly assigned a culture (so poverty tourists can still travel the world to see other colorful cultures). Disease, disability, physical and mental diversity finally conquered by the new immortals! Now who do we pick as the archetypal human? To be fair and eliminate the (societal imposed) differences between the sexes we need a hermaphrodite, capable of reproducing with either sex organ (although reproduction would only be needed every thousand years or so with the immortal clones having a right to die with dignity). Preferably someone who is a cross in equal proportions of all the worlds ethnicitys (which are constructs anyways). A little genetic modification will insure that the offspring of the clones don't regress to the former mean. In case some of the clones and/or their offspring gain an unfair advantage and express differences from the others (other than assigned culture) the state would step in and naturally select the deviants to be neutralized.

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