invasion of brown people
A popular theme in fictional storytelling, is of the poor benighted but happy tribal village, isolated from civilization. This village of brown people suddenly becomes exploited by some evil white people and unable to free themselves, have to be saved by a different group of benevolent white people. After many overly cliche remarks, the brown people continue in idyllic bliss about their brown ways with their white saviors becoming honorary tribe members. The white people evidently love this but not enough to stay there permanently - they go back to their sophisticated less pure and unhappy lives but always remember the lessons from the tribe. The tribe people never get tired of living in squalor nor leave for better opportunities. That's why its fiction. The non-fiction reality is people living in lowered states of living standardly immigrate to more sophisticated societal beacons. The U.S. is being invaded by brown people from the world over. Presumably they came into this society to benefit from a systemic wealth generating nation devised by dead white males. They should be welcomed into our pluralistic state of white enlightenment - but progressives and multiculturalist try to hold them back to their brown ways. They wish to recreate the fiction even when denied by truth.