indian alliance


The most important alliance of the 21st century is the fledgling Indo-American. India has recently shed its Fabian cocoon and is now developing, ready to join the anglosphere as the first non West member (Anglosphere as defined by having English language and common law traditions). Fused together by technology and islamic militants, this alliance will be the force of the foreseeable future. Witness the nuclear fuel deal, and f-16's to Pakistan can be rectified with f-15's or f35's to India. China may be a manufacturing mule force but India has greater high technology potential as long as they don't slip back into Fabianism. With their English tradition intellectual property rights will be enforced unlike copy fanatic China. There are no name brands in China - they will have to purchase western re-treads. With over a billion people India should give up on any egalitarian pipe dreams - because no matter what there will always be human suffering - its a precondition of human life. The cycle is stopped by achievement of Moksha.

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