ban anarchy not guns


L.A. riots post O.J. verdict, New Orleans post Katrina - these are examples of the the right of people to bear arms not to be infringed upon. The citizen militia becomes crucial for protection of life and property when regular law and order break down. The police and courts provide protection of ones rights under normal conditions - however after the trial of the century or the storm of the century anarchy ensued (is global warming the next such event!?!) Under these potentially disastrous circumstances natural law applies - and that includes the right to self protection. People who live in privileged neighborhoods, who feel safe, are often the first to impose their will on the rest of society. Anti gun activists tend to bowl over facts. Such wishful thinking will not reduce inner city gang violence, nor suicide which is most of all gun deaths. Background checks don't prevent domestic violence. Criminals do fear law abiding citizens' concealed weapons. Gays with guns don't get bashed. Guns provide minorities with an equalizer against an oppressive majority or state. The saying goes if you outlaw guns - only outlaws will have guns.

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