smart growth


Sprawl is taking over - it must be restrained. We all know that sprawl is evil, clearly we can't develop all that farmland - where would organic food come from? Open spaces are becoming scarce and city limits need to be stopped dead for infinity. So we must re-plan the city center (back fill). Right now poor folks live in dilapidated apartments downtown. They shop at the few remaining dilapidated stores and ride subsidized modern buses. But that is just the present, because the intrepid city council has a plan for the future. First, force (kelo style) any property the city wants into the cities hands with taxpayer financed bonds. Second re-allocate that land to politically connected developers. Third, give them tax breaks to develop according to the cities master plan with at least one great work - a convention center, sports arena with luxury boxes, or performing art center (the stuff working class people like). Forth, have a big gala with news reporters and the cities business and political elite with plenty of self congratulation (which is the best social policy.) Soon those poor folks will be living in new luxury loft apartments. They will be spending at upscale retail shops and restaurants that the city approves of. And they will be riding the new commuter rail! Thank goodness the intrepid city council will block that walmart and those fast food joints. And those buses have to go with their flexible routs and cheap operating expenses. In the new progressive city there will only be planned (smart) development by kicking poor (dumb) people out...

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