sodomy or trans-fats


Which is more dangerous to society: sodomy or trans-fats? And should the government force individuals to abandon them? The human rectum did not evolve for the purpose of intercourse. This is not a value statement - it is a fact. Damaging disease transfer probability are much greater through anal sex than vaginal. HIV and trans-fats, which may cause heart problems, both lead to death. All humans eventually die (currently 100% deathrate in your lifetime!) - presumably governments only regulate to prevent unjust premature death. Heart disease affects older people, HIV the younger. Which is more important to society? If the government banned sodomy (which is a new constitutionally protected right...) it would have very little impact on HIV. The rest of us would still be subsidizing through taxes millions in research into the disease and millions for medical treatment. And the same is true of heart disease. Ban trans-fats and it will make minimal impact on overall death rates. So in a free society why should government ban either? Why not let people make their own choices and let their personal cost/benefit dictate their further behaviour in any particular practice. Its when their cost gets transferred to others that society ceases to be free.

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