second hand smoke screen


Cigarette smoking has been linked to lung cancer and heart disease. It is being banned from cities and states across the nation. Cars also have second hand effects such as being linked to killing their occupants and other people. Thats why we should make cars illegal in public places. Thousands of Americans die each year in auto wrecks. The fact is they weigh two tons and go sixty five miles per hour - thats a lot of killing energy (m*v=kE). Seatbelts and airbags do not fully prevent death and don't protect people on the sidewalk. And most cars also poison the environment with cigarette lighters/ashtrays and occupants who exhale carbon dioxide. But the big auto industry have special interest lobbyist who petition congress of grievances. The state attorney generals should take up a class action suite and get an auto settlement out of them. They can use the money in anti-car campaigns and to educate young people not to even try driving. People would be better off walking their trans-fat asses around. If it saves one life it would be worth it.

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