natural rights of the unborn
Roe v wade was not decided correctly and now is a supper dupper precedent. Well born humans have a right not to be killed and the courts are not supposed to legislate nor invent new constitutional rights. Ultimately a line has to be drawn somewhere in between conception and birth. Killing an infant one hour old would be a crime handed down by societal evolution from antiquity. Killing an infant before birth is viewed as somehow different. A civilization that allowed or encouraged killing infants would not survive more than a few generations. Womens liberation was the main justification of unlimited abortions, seems how evolution had played a dirty trick on women who engaged in casual sex as opposed to men. So two competing claims of rights are best decided on a state by state basis and through the legislative process as the constitution says all rights not granted explicitly to the federal government are retained by the states and their people. That is the best way for legitimacy of the rule of law and civilized society to be upheld. It is when the elites in robes' actions are indistinguishable from sovereign rulers evoking divine rights, that sets us back to medieval times instead of advancing society like they fantasize they are doing.
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