war of the parties


The Democrat party base stands on three legs: (1)Organized labor consists of government workers and unionized low-skilled labor, these are the Marxists. (2)Ethnic minorities consists of individuals who want transfer payments via state fiat power discriminatorily by race. (3)Liberal arts elites is a broad category to encompass well educated progressives' issues (white non manual laborers who own apple computers, listen to U2, believe in magical stem cells, and worry about recycling). Each of the Democrat legs is the antithesis of one Republican leg while sharing common ground with another Republican leg - the so called swing voters. The Republican party base stands on three legs: (1)Social conservatives are white evangelicals and orthodox Catholics. They are the antithesis of liberal arts elites and accepted by ethnic minorities on life and gay issues. (2)Nationalists are pro gun, pro defense, pro Anglo Saxon tradition. Their antithesis are ethnic minorities but syphon off organized labor voters. (3)Economic libertarians are the pro business, limited government types (in theory if not practice). They are the antithesis of organized labor but share some common ground with liberal arts elites based on their common education (at least at one point the DLC was free trade). Overall there is more overlap among the Republican base legs than the Democrat base legs. Most of the Republican base support at least two of the legs which make the legs coordinated. Where as the Democrat base legs can all walk in different directions. Minor party supporters are idealistically irrelevant - if anything effecting results to the opposite of their objectives. Then there are undecided voters - not very ideological - they go wherever the wind might be blowing on a particular day.

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