evil walmart


Yeah Walmart is evil, can you believe that people shop there? If only they knew what they were doing promoting rising standards of living and free exchange and the like. What we need are powerful elites to make better decisions for those poor benighted people. I mean people in China are willingly working in those factories, and those factory owners are willingly selling to Walmart in long term contracts, with goals to reduce costs and improve quality. And to make matters worse people in the U.S. work at Walmart without union representation. In fact it is the nations largest employer, do you think they can think for themselves without union bosses looking out for them. This is clearly a slippery slope toward individualism and self-interest and against the common good as defined by progressives. Anti-walmart delusionists of the world unite!

the melting world


An idea for another world way off somewhere, is for the planet to have receding ice sheets that expose new land with more/less the same natural resources in abundant supply as the already exposed land. And suppose that this was occurring at roughly a country size area every generation of people. That way it could be decided by custom that each new area would be inhabited by a new group of people, since there would be no need for competition of resources (lets pretend that offensive military actions are easily defeated by defenses). Each new country, founded in the newly melted area, would be free to adopt whatever political, social, economic, system that evolved there. That way direct comparisons could be made between the countries as to what system worked best. Most likely nobody would agree on what the measurements should be so every country would in their own mind be the best. Of course the socialist countries would have to build walls around themselves to keep their people in, not wanting them to wander off into a less caring unequal society.

free parking


Money is mostly worthless: paper money that is. By chance people think its worth something because the government does not print too much of it. Sometimes they do and then you need a wheelbarrow to haul your worthless loot around. I'd like to be paid in airplane parts if that is what the company i worked for made. Not the actual part but some certificate of ownership. The company that bought the part would pay for it with certificates shares to whatever it made: airplanes. They would sell the airplanes to airliners who would pay in tickets. Therefore i could trade my shares in parts for tickets. This kind of relationship could be replicated throughout the entire world economy therefore removing the problem of fiat money. This would make money very fluid and eliminate the problems of inflation and it costing money to produce money. Also wages should be negotiated on a weekly basis eliminating the problem of wages not being as flexible to respond to market conditions. This would make the market very efficient and provide instant feedback loops through prices of shares. All markets would clear almost instantly. Instead we roll along with the governments monopoly on play money.

atheists believe in god - themselves


When people stopped believing in a higher power as has happened the turn of the last century it turns out that they didn't stop believing- that is they would believe anything. The marxists, darwinists, freudians, utilitarians, eugenicists, progressives and their like all converted to science/reason and the human mind of elite scientific managers reigned as god. A social hierarchy based on intelligence evolved with the zenith of the pyramid patronizing to the base in a real egalitarian fashion. The poor benighted holding heretical views contrary to the anointed, romantic, post-modern, progressive caste - millions of them died violent deaths in the 20th century, some were saved.

more hot air


There will be no refugee crisis even if the coastlines all flooded. Some think only of apocalypsical outcomes with the earth giving us a biblical icecap melting baptism. It would happen so slowly over hundreds of years and people would just move just like they moved to florida in the first place. I wonder if people would exhale less spurious claims if this would reduce CO2 emissions. How can the weather be hotter with more rain and more drought, more hurricanes and violent storms. Would the net average be the same? Could not climate change just make it more boring? More overcast days, less wind, gentle rain. But these do not make good headlines. Have not humans been altering the face of the earth since there have been humans? If overgrazing of domesticated animals by humans caused the sahara desert then the sierra club was formed 10,000 yrs too late.

neo gravity


See I think gravity is because everything is getting bigger at a rate proportional to its mass. The earth is getting bigger at a rate of 32ft per second, and after one second the yardstick is now bigger so its actually accelerating 32ft per sec per sec. The fact that the further away from earth an object is, the faster it is moving may be explained by the fact that the further you look into space the further in the past you are looking when the universe was expanding due to the big bang. I still need to work out a few kinks because this does not explain objects orbiting each other and how the speed of light appears constant (maybe photons are stationary and mass is moving), its just that I don't like the graviton.

disaster averted


The Constitution is in shreds, burnt by the very people who swore an oath to protect it. What a mess this highway robbery has turned out to be. It could be worse, pragmatically the U.S. is still in better shape than the rest of the industrialized world - our Constitution occasionally stops a government power grab here or there. The progressives have so effectively re-written much of it that limited government is in a century old remission. How can a Nation get back on track once the damage has been done? How can the two thirds of the federal budget - that is unconstitutional - be eliminated in a legitimate smooth transition? The rejection of potential justices on the grounds that they will not enforce the Constitution as it was written is a good start. People who wish to amend the constitution should use the amendment process not judicial fiat.

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