declaration from dependence


"...endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness- that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it..." Well that was a good thought - too bad very few practice it. FICA social security and medicare taxes are forcibly stolen from me every week. I didn't sign up for these ponzi schemes, I don't want to assume their unfunded liabilities - why can't I opt out? (the fact that these programs still exist is due to ignorance among the voters and cowardice among the politicians - mutually embracing economic doom) Oh, I'm taking the Constitution literally. See I thought that when it said "the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." that it meant, well just that. People have a natural right to opt out of this mammoth social insurance program. It will be hard because this mammoth social insurance program has an army.

carriage makers guild


The carriage makers guild has called on their noble lord to make things right. It appears the official carriage makers guild of the kingdom has fallen on hard times - no fault of their own of course. Some visigoths and vandals have set up rival carriage works in the kingdom and have gained an unfair advantage by not promising their tradesmen promises they can't keep. Now all of this is very upsetting to the carriage guild and they are relying on the noble lord - whom is well versed in mercantilism - to come to their rescue. If that fails they can always rely on a popular uprising among the serfs who will pressure the noble council to pass a resolution and send it to the noble lord for implementation. After all, the noble council is vested with the power to make commerce regular - like a bowel movement - there must be no surprises! Such measures don't work as good as they did back in the golden age - but the carriage makers guild knows they should get something - lest they be forced to make promises to their tradesmen they can keep!

syntheses theory vs practice


Hegel's thesis, anti-theses, syntheses is being challenged today by modern liberal democracy. Witness the current domination of marxist dogma over any current economic debate. It would seem to the rational mind that capitalism has won the war of ideas over the last three decades, but the current state of synthesis is skewed horribly in favor of the marxists. Tax cuts, even when defended by the capitalists, are defended on the grounds that they help the poor, not that they are fair for the rich. The correct approach of being equally fair to all seems to lack legitimacy if it leads to increased wealth disparity. The fact that the progressive income tax and property value tax, are completely entrenched as fair in society at large is a marxist victory. If ones house is valued at a million dollars or 50k does one not receive the same police and fire protection; the same road and school neighborhood effects. Does not the person who makes six figures receive the same national defense as the person making 20 grand? And with the estate tax, the government gets to double dip, and this is justified by the fact that it only effects the supper rich. Again the basic fairness of these policies is not even debatable in the 'national dialog'. It is always stated that "cannot the richest nation on earth afford to increase government spending on such and such anti-wealth gap program" Its never asked how long we will remain the richest nation on earth with such policies. Nor is it ever pointed out that maybe we are the richest nation on earth because we didn't go down the socialist road as far as some other nations. It raises the possibility of collusion among the worlds political class in the o.e.c.d., to not let a direct comparison available. Marxism lost on paper but is winning in practice.

soul asylum


Virtue does not count if it was not by choice. A good deed only counts as good if one had opportunity to do other vise. If government tries to enforce morality it does not make its subjects more virtuous, just more depraved of the very feedback loops that give humanity information to make their own decisions. Only government has fiat power to forcibly coerce the individual through taxes and regulations. The only legitimate use of this police power and tax power should be to protect the rights of the people and to provide a common defense against enemies. Somehow government has evolved into an evil nanny dictating social and economic behavior. Even if the net result in a few instances could be judged as good, it would not be virtue. When all self directed opportunity to strive toward virtue has been effectively removed by government, humans will have surrendered their souls.

discriminating the bottom line


Big business is evil, a well known fact. Multinationals are the devil smelling like sulfur. All they care about is the bottom line, and they screw the people. Each morning people are bolted against their will and brought to work. Then in the afternoon the company sells their product at a (highly immoral) profit to unwilling consumer nuts. They do whatever it takes to increase the bottom line. Equally qualified people are locked out by the company door screwed shut. Sub groups are bolted to the floor within the company so they don't crack the glass ceiling even though they could do a better job. The company increases the bottom line by not hiring and promoting the best? These seem to be mutually exclusive charges (evidently you don't need logic if you're emotional). Perhaps incentives to increase the bottom line need to be increased to prevent all this discrimination. Competition keeps one honest. Regulations and protections breed vise.

brave new cell research


Now with these stem cells they can clone one person and repeat multiple times (how egalitarian). That way everyone would be equal (and identical). Don't worry multiculturalism won't go away. Everyone will be randomly assigned a culture (so poverty tourists can still travel the world to see other colorful cultures). Disease, disability, physical and mental diversity finally conquered by the new immortals! Now who do we pick as the archetypal human? To be fair and eliminate the (societal imposed) differences between the sexes we need a hermaphrodite, capable of reproducing with either sex organ (although reproduction would only be needed every thousand years or so with the immortal clones having a right to die with dignity). Preferably someone who is a cross in equal proportions of all the worlds ethnicitys (which are constructs anyways). A little genetic modification will insure that the offspring of the clones don't regress to the former mean. In case some of the clones and/or their offspring gain an unfair advantage and express differences from the others (other than assigned culture) the state would step in and naturally select the deviants to be neutralized.

raise living wage now


It should be at least $10 dollars an hour - a 'living wage'. Now I know what your thinking: "what about those greedy landlords that would raise rent on the new living wage earners?" Well we could freeze rent that land owners could charge. Lets call it 'rent control'. And while were at it, I'm worried about the food supply. What if there is a drought or a hail storm? Farmers are the backbone of our economy. We need 'subsidy' and 'insurance' protections for them. Also, cheap goods are made overseas by foreigners. We need a 'tariff' on imported goods to protect good U.S. jobs. Isn't totalitarianship great? Clearly people cannot manage their own lives deciding how much to work for and pay in rent. (And to think that market prices send signals? blasphemy! Centralized planning is the only way if you want justice.) Millions upon millions of Americans are struggling below subsistence. By definition they are dead. Six feet under.

equality democracy justice


Why do some insist on using these words interchangeably? Well its a good way to ignore the first principles of our Nation. One can use the word equality or democracy to yield justice and that clearly trumps all, heads always nod. See in the world there is an unequal distribution of wealth. Some people are rich others are poor. It is known by the moral elites of the progressive church that the poor do not choose to be poor - that it is the result of circumstances beyond their control. And then we have all theses show-offs. The over achievers. The RICH. They don't deserve anything they have because its not earned. Ideally to make things equal ( remember in a democratic society equality trumps all) you would give the bad luck poor folk some money so they would be as rich as the undeserving rich folk. This is a brilliant strategy! Its just so awful that this money has to come from somewhere. Wait a minute, the rich people have money (the rich bastards) we can take it from them and give it to the poor to preserve democratic justice. Yes that's it! A majority of poor can exploit the minority of rich. That's democracy, majority rule as long as it doesn't violate equality (if majority rule violates equality then that's not justice). Ah-ha, we'll suppress the rich, restrain them by any means, for making such an embarrassment out of the poor folk, making them look unproductive, lazy, and chronically disabled. We must hate the successful. Give them no credit (in fact most of them have benefited from a illegitimate system devised by dead white males!! Gasp!!). Our egalitarian values demand we must make everyone equally poor...

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