Well the judges got a little excited, putting their cart before the donkey - and it backfired - very predictably. Now a populist fervor has swept out of the heartland, just like the last turn of century, but not Fabian this time. At the state level, using the direct democracy ballot initiative favored by populist reformers of all stripes, the people sought to get ahead of the courts. The democrats (small d) baned same sex marriage, defeating the republicans (small r). These days a chant at the federal level can be felt marching toward article 5, before article 3 annexes more power from the constitution and its constituents. Now the progressives need to admit their past misdeeds and recant their manifesto, and discover states rights and deregulation, their former foes. Marriage should be deregulated at the federal level (historically always a states matter) through the legislative process in the tax code and other regulations. Also the right of contract should be enforced federally over the states, and the full faith and credit clause: And whala! A legitimate form of same sex union - not marriage. Then individuals can make their own choices under their own direction and free from government intervention. The fusion project can be reborn - extracting conservative results through libertarian means.
muse from wit
Capitulation resulting in vassalage was branded colonialism by the so-called natives in many lands, and they revolted against this control in the heart of darkness. But was it a wise move? Maybe colonialism should be restarted, if the subjugated agree to it by the subjugator. One would judge by results, and the results of native independence movements have not always been good (ref: sub Sahara.) Many so called former colonies are now worse off than under imperial rule. Even the success stories were made greater successes, as in the case of India; without their former master would they have gotten rid of sati? Did not Rome allow free local religion as long as no humans were sacrificed. This is treated as an imposition on culture by the multiculturalists. Japan was an imperial power raping Manchuria china - an act seen as illegitimate. But after the bomb Japan was corrected, put in its place, made a vassal of the U.S. and this was judged legitimate by its results. So clearly not all claims on the use of force are equal. The feudal lord created modern Japan democratically in its image, and it is now a peaceful productive society, instead of a war monger, made so by the benevolent rule of the u.s. Even though subservient to their feudal lord in security matters, they are still a sovereign nation in all other regards, only submitting for protection because its in their own self interest.
evil coke
Barney opened his bottle of coke and heard the fizz, but it was too late. The deputy sheriff could not believe what he had just done - warmed the globe. Yeah that was a carbon emission, but he knew what he had to do next - revealing his inner passions. "Andy! Andy! we've got to put a stop to capitalism!" Barney exclaimed having had always considered himself a sort of watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) "Now why would you want to do a stupid thing like that?" Andy replied. Barney proceeded on his rant that he had been practicing and rehearsing inspired by late night celebrity talk show guests. Big business is out to destroy the earth via fast food, discount retail chains and fossil fuels. A secret capitalist/jewish cabal controls all levels of government and they are hell bent on not letting the truth come out. The only thing preventing a massive populist uprising is the disenfranchisement of the downtrodden by theo-con politicians, using religiously based wedge issues, threatening the eternal fires of hell to all who don't obey their commandments. Barney than ran out of the police station to save the world from itself only to come peeling back in seconds later. He could hardly get the words out of his mouth he was nearly hyperventilating "Where's my bullet? I don't think people can be persuaded peacefully..."
spock's insurance scam
One can imagine Spock the insurance actuary's lament. After retiring from star fleet, he went into the health insurance industry, to promote living long. At first he went about his job diligently, but then he began to unravel what he thought was sloppy bookkeeping. Spock noticed that the HMO account he was working on was paying out claims even though they were known to reoccur monthly. See he was under the impression that he worked for an 'insurance' company, that is: people bought a policy to defray unexpected costs. When he began to inquire about his discovery among his coworkers they all treated it as no-big-deal issue that policy holders were receiving coverage for costs they were planning on. This led Spock to promptly resign, he didn't want to work for a communal transfer payment scheme posing as an insurance company.
canvasing islamic oil
From the sheiks comes oil into our republic from their kingdom. Which of these evil dictators is going to sit on it - their only source of income - their economies not being more diversified than whats buried under the sand. Through their racket they can try to manipulate prices but to limited effect, seems how they don't trust each other and not holding a corner on the market. If its cheaper to import oil than we should - the market already factors in uncertainty. Government should do nothing to limit consumption of oil but should rather try to increase demand by removing fuel economy standards. People will then be free to buy what they want and if demand increases, the price of oil will go up, and will lead to further development of alternatives or hybrids only if deemed cost effective by the market. Did not the world make the transition from wood to coal to oil without centralized planning? Energy Independence is not in the national interest but would rather make us poorer - just as the socialists wish.
idiots best elites
Knowledge is diffuse rather than acute - most knowledge is communal. One individual can master a particular sub specialty, but cannot know very much other than that. A lot is made about great discoverers in the past who mastered many subjects, but this is misleading because they knew so little back then. A college preparatory curriculum in high school will teach more less all the knowledge in the world into the beginning of the enlightenment. After just a few years in college one can know everything Newton knew and then some. Todays intellectuals know only a small sliver of technical knowledge, and it pays off in high productivity to specialize. On the other hand, one can still get by pretty reasonably without much knowledge, often being too smart will alienate one from the masses. It would be better to be governed by people randomly picked out of the phone book than by intellectual elites. Socialism failed because a mass of nitwits acting in self interest can out think a committee of high intellects acting altruistically.
reject social contract
Rawls social contract theory of rights appears to be a reasonable argument on first glance, but after further evaluation it doesn't hold up in a few key categories. His social contract theory is what kind of government institutions would be needed and legitimate if one did not know what station in life one was going to be born into, present theories being biased toward advantaging ones current status. He presumes all rational people could agree on the same principles, but this would actually lead to branding of people as irrational if they disagreed. (Could one not wish to be left to starve to death if one did not work or is this irrational?) This theory lacks continuity in time, seeing how ones answers to the question would vary quite considerably pre and post industrial revolution, and into the unforeseen future. It also relies heavily on peoples present biases against disability, poverty, and dumbness to presumably justify more government powers to alleviate these things. Also the theory may hold up for one time era but is not geographically universal; the world has a lot of people and it would be impossible for all of them to have social contract derived rights because of limited resources and unlimited material wants. The theory is an attempt to justify redistributive 'rights'(wealth) claims and is therefore just an imaginary government as social insurance agency, playing God, removing individuals freedom of responsibility.
pirates of our being
Stealing is taking property from someone without permission. Civilized society recognizes property as belonging to an individual, not communal nor for barbarians to plunder. People can lay claim to something and there may be disagreements about property rights, damages and defaults on loans, however a wise chief does not decide such disputes on a case by case basis, rather, civilized society has developed the rule of law. The legislature passes laws, the executive enforces them, and courts following judicial procedure, make rulings regarding the intent of the lawmakers. Natural law is humankind's claim to ownership of all rights as long as no one elses rights are infringed upon. There are two glaring abominations of this ethos that are in complete violation of evolved civilized philosophy. Kelo and progressive (as opposed to flat) income taxes. Barbarians have been evolving too and are now experts at gaming the legal system to pirate things they envy. The masses shop lift transfer payments and the elite ransom hot real estate. Just because these robin hoods are getting reelected (except the five who dont face reelection), their pillaging and rapping of our natural rights doesn't mean their final judgement will be kind, nor those who willingly receive the blood money.
black death to civilized society
The flagellates are bleating humility, after all they are anti west, anti U.S., anti capitalist, anti life, anti hope, anti optimist, anti love, anti christmas, anti family, anti individual, anti humanity - and they demonstrate this by whipping bloody lashes out of our nations flesh. These relics from the plague, have become a mob marching in lavish procession, everyone wanting to jump on the band wagon, join the herd of independent minds to disclaim and renounce. The odor they leave behind is pronounced coming as it does from the dirty mindless masses and maggot infested ivory towers. If a course of truth or beauty is discovered they defecate on it, not wanting to experience success, thats how they demonstrate humility. These flagellants, defying reality and creating their own secular (borderline nihilistic) religion and circular value logic. Doing so they exalt their god relativism - we are no better.
nature nuture soul
The progressive view regarding where human actions originate from is a non individual fault proposition. Biology is discounted by progressives (radicals not to long ago believed that even gender traits were learned) believing in a blank slate that is written on by environment - genome project be damned. These progressive environmentalists also discount the human soul sometimes even denying its existence. Common people do not make their own choices - that is the duty of elites. They believe if only humans were born and raised in a nurturing environment all would be well. Society at large is responsible for all evil - systemic triumphantalism. They wish to strictly control this developmental environment - and resort to their beloved scientific modeling and government coercion tactics (it takes a village i.e. the state). All is chance and random - there is no higher purpose in their vision - and they have received their superior vision for society not from their soul, or derived from reason, but through sheer emotional revelation. This religious wishful thinking dictates 'these people would not choose this for themselves, lets help them with what they really want.' Contrary to this vision are the soulful who believe humans are judged on their own self actualization and will to change the inherent path of fate that biology and environment try to dictate - a hierarchy of powers is prevalent. Biology is cruel - quite the opposite of egalitarian values - people are born with vastly different skills and flaws. These are very innate irregardless of environment - environment being mostly just the expression of ones biology. However, personal responsibility and accountability still exist as articulaters and arbiters of ones genetically encoded fate. At some point in ones life, while climbing maslow's pyramid, the soul has the potential to be expressed if the individual wants to modify, although not completely able to escape fate. This is everyones mission if they are willing to choose it, before they self destruct.
club of dictators
The League of Nations was an idealistic foreign policy dream to end conflict, now called the United Nations, and its still a fantasy. True legitimacy of foreign action is not granted nor denied by a gang of nations who's objectives may or may not be to advance the lofty U.N. charter that they signed to get into the club. Natural law is the architecture that is the true governor and judge of humankind. The individual has a right to self defense, and when people came out of a state of nature to form a nation, one of the powers granted from the individual to the nation was protection from other nations. The people within a nation provide laws that govern themselves, but governments powers come from the people and governments cannot set up a structure that supersedes their granted powers from the people. International law is lacking in legitimacy if comprising more than a treaty between nations that is limited in scope to protecting their peoples natural rights.
The U.N. is the last best hope for the progressives. It meets all their requirements. Centralized top down design. Appointed technocrats and bureaucratic committees. A one size fits all vision. Scientific management by elites over individuals. A forum where the less successful can pass resolutions demeaning their supposed oppressors. No accountability and immune from failed policies. (Why can't our government be more like this they lament) When the U.N. gets its own revenue stream, other than nations contributions, the death star will be indestructible.
bring back debtors prison
As a thought experiment: there should be a re-institution of debtors prison. People who default on debts to the public, could be thrown into jail with the rest of free society responsible for the expense. If the cost was fairly distributed among free society, i.e. a flat rate, then through the elective process, it could be determined what the appropriate debtors prison rate would be (penalties, taxes, number of prisoners.) That way productive society can move along reforming socialised welfare programs, that could be eliminated and replaced where applicable, by a more individualized system. A way to pay for fire department protection of property would be billing the people who use actual fire department services to fund the entire fire department. For most (risk averse) people this would involve buying an insurance policy that would cover fire department costs. This would more accurately and efficiently assign costs where benefits are received, providing better feedback loops for people to adjust their behavior. Police, health care, retirement, could all be handled this way. In all instances insurance/savings would not be mandatory but one could be thrown into jail for not paying for incurred benefits (theft from the rest of society.) A lot of people could potentially be thrown into jail - but this can be mitigated by the fact that 'enlightened' society would not want to see some 85 year old grandmother thrown into jail for not paying the fire department for getting her cat out of a tree, and the cost of too many in jail would be expensive for productive society to pay for. So people in need (not people in want), whom society deems as worthy, should receive a stipend/voucher to pay insurance/annuity costs for governments former economic redistribution benefits, the rate to be determined by economic and social trade-offs. One way or another, modern liberal democracy demands that the one third of people with an income, subsidize the other two thirds without money, both voluntarily(supporting family) and by coercion(government). This method would be more benign on individuals natural rights. Debtors prison would penalize the proper people (thieves) 'in debt to society' unlike the present tax code.
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