algore tripple threat


We've always know Algore to be an eloquent rapper - the presidential debates featured some hard core dubs with the whole lockbox loop. He won the popular vote for American President by a half million (1/2%) in 2000 loosing Florida by a mere 500 votes (also 1/2%). So we know his rap sheet: 5-4 in the supreme court - just one vote short. We know Algore can act as evidenced by his Oscar win for Best Fictional Documentary. He really took it to the house and raised his game to the next level, inconveniently out truthing even ideological friend Micheal Moore. So how does a green hipster follow up that act? Its called the Algore dance aka Nobel Peace Prize. The legitimate triple threat is in a zone now turning out new hits and heating up the global beat-up-America agenda. He joins other luminary Peace Prize winners such as terrorist Yasser Arafat, club of dictators secretary Kofi Anaan, poverty enthusiast Jimmy Carter, and rogue state appeaser Mohamed El Baradei. We should all band together now and help the doomsday prophet (profit) win the civilian space flight X-prize, by sending him in a capsule to the source of solar energy. As Algore would say: "It's not a political imperative, but rather a moral imperative."

keep the amt


The fair tax has been getting a fair hearing as of late, at least within the GOP. Like most things, in theory it is all pristine - on the surface the premise appears good, but beyond the facade lies hidden dangers. The proposal: Repeal the 16th amendment, abolish the IRS, add a VAT or national sales tax of 30% on all goods and services. Simple enough, taxing consumption rather than income would be more benign to economic prosperity, but such a procedure would have to go through the U.S. Congress where the chances of passage unmolested are nil. Does any one really believe that 30% would be levied on all things? How would the tax code not become more complex with near certain additional exemptions and allowances. The outcry would be too great for most politicians to ignore, of the supposed negative effects on the poor - and before you knew it, it would mirror our present day progressive system. A better remedy would be to not abolish the alternative minimum tax in our present day income tax code - but rather use it as a backdoor way to achieve a defacto flat income tax. However the debate shapes out, one thing is certain that NYT propagandist Paul Krugman will so distort the issue that reason and logic will go on permanent sabbatical.

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