the hip city
The hip city has quite a buzz about it. It is the place where people want to live - or at least like the idea that they live there. They may not participate in all the aspects of the hip city that make it hip - yet they pleasure in reciting facts of its hipness to others - living in blandness yet fainting grittiness. All of the hip cities bonds get passed to subsidise progressiveness. This ever increasing tax burden makes the hip city less habitual (habitable) for those poor folks that provide all the grittiness. Before one knows it, with all the smart growth, the loft apartments, the light rail and all - the hip city has outstripped its hipness. It becomes a mecca for wanta-be hipsters, all authentics have long departed with the restraints on growth and affordability. This takes quite a while to accomplish and all the city ratings are too high at the peak of the moment, that the silent coup is long past when the music stops.