throw out the rules
Those poor souls in Florida and Michigan being disenfranchised and all - what a shame. It's almost enough to make them want to follow the party rules. Of course if the rules were followed they would not be victims and victimhood is quite a badge of honor. (Can you believe those evil people who chuckle and say rules are rules). Not to mention all the home owners sucker punched by the greed infested home mortgage lenders. Like homeowners should be required to sign something before they agree to low introductory rates. Gotta love the Dems for their hybrid populism mixed with elitism. Winner take all is for social darwin Republicans. The Dem primary system is much more coddling. Delegates are appointed on roughly the proportional popular vote, so it is quite fair. Then after all the proles vote their benighted wits, Nitsche overmen (superdelegates) get to vote - to correct their party members - point them to the true wisdom that is theirs. I know this sounds like disenfranchisement - but remember victimhood is a badge of honor. Just a little more coercion and utopia will be upon us!