life liberty property decimation


The new slave masters, as opposed to their 19th century brethren, are opposed to states rights. The depths of these socialists thoughts are revealed in their actions. For universal single payer? Fine - do it on a state-by-state basis. Whats the hold up? Certainly many states are currently socialist run. Massachusetts, California and others have beginner health socialism plans, stunted only by reality. State budgets are lacking in the key ingredient for universal coverage to take off. States don't have a green tone printing press that can create small peaces of paper with dead white aristocrats and associated numbers on them. The U.S. congress does have one of these. And thus only ridiculous ponzi schemes can be inflationaly sustained at the federal level. The new slave masters know this, and if one is going to rob the rest of humanity of the ownership of their labor, best to do it incrementally, as has happened over the last century.

The next faze will be expanding S-Chip to cover the middle class. Then offering a government alternative to private health plans that will be subsidized by participants in private plans. Then after enough people join, government will set drug prices (in a process to be called negotiating). Why is their goal universal coverage rather than better health? For beginners in economic matters a brief aside: Only a committee of the smartest can completely ruin the life of the dumbest among us worse than they could have themselves. Humans are far from perfect but at least the individual directly experiences the results of their actions and can attempt to make corrections based on this feedback loop. The committee of the smartest is isolated from these feedback loops by the nature of their eliteness. So the same type of bureaucratic structures that underestimated Saddam's weapons programs in the first gulf war and then overestimated them in the second will be adept at making health decisions for all? The same mentality that started a pension scheme for the then 50:1 worker to retiree ratio should buckle in the near future 3:1. Evidently that's where that printing press comes in.

How about a states right to opt out of federal programs? How about making these things optional and give a lump sum of cash to residents of states that do not participate? If the heavenly benefits of socialism truly do accrue, would not people be free to move to that state to experience nirvana? The new slave masters know the answer and thus their national plan. Socialism is never free. Cubans defect from their free health care when their sports teams play in the free world. The new slave masters will not tolerate a free choice.

don't ask don't tell


The latest ex Busher to jump ship in hopes of avoiding the upcoming Nuremberg trials is Colin Powell. With everyone rushing to the port side, capsizing may occur - right now its just a list (lisp?) Don't ask don't tell military strategy was negotiated by Powell and seen as a setback for then President Clinton. Now with the already Anointed Barrack, who has pledged to allow openly gay people to serve in the military, one wonders what capacity and influence Powell will have or if his views have changed on the matter. Powell actually has asked and told quite a bit. He personally went to Langley before the UN Security Council presentation. He asked a lot of questions and personally prepared his report. Then he told the world what it largely already suspected. In hindsight, all of the worlds intelligence proved to be wrong. Now he is seeking rehabilitation - he will get it. The new global test of acceptability is Bush hatred. You can win Nobel Prizes for Peace and Economics if you're the anti-thesis of Bush these days.


When the Bulls or Lakers win championships their respective citizens celebrate - what civilized society calls rioting. One wonders with the impending Victory of the Anointed if similar will occur in the spirit of the Palestinians engaged in festivities after 9-11?
UPDATE: All was calm on the western front - the fears of chaos were wrong.

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