winning the future

WTF is a tax expenditure? What is this new OrwellianObamaSpeak? First there was the kinetic military action - now, after the greatest speech ever of the week, we have the need to reduce "Tax Expenditures". A conception is now being reformed, to make this logically work conceptually.... OK all wealth and money belongs to the government in this construct. The amount the government pays to you is a tax expenditure. So basically you tax the government of its income.
I believe that we each own our own body. We own the output of our bodies. With our output, we can do things that other people value. Money is nothing more than a credit for serving our fellow man. (You don't beat someone over the head and force them to buy your product - transactions are through voluntary exchange) You exchange your accounting skills for money from someone who needs accounting skills. You use this money to buy bread. The bread maker is serving his fellow man and getting credits just like the accountant is serving her fellow man. Some people get more or less than their just share out of this arrangement. This is a normal earthly condition. Perfection is only achieved in heaven. Attempts to establish heaven on earth have failed and are even more unjust than the injustice they are trying to eliminate.
The real robber barons were criminals on the Rhine river during the middle ages who extracted safe passage fee's by force. Bill Gates is not a robber baron. He served his fellow mankind by developing Windows which others have found useful. They bought Windows with credits they got from serving their fellow man. How would it be morally right to take all of Bill Gates money to close the deficit on money spent mostly on transfer payments to other people? (Transfer payments are taxing working people FICA to pay for current retiree benefits) Why not take all of your money and give it to poor people world wide? No one needs a house to their selves. No one needs their own private transportation. No one needs more than two pairs of clothes. Everyone can survive on rice and beans. Anything above and beyond that is excess. So if wealth is to be redistributed, any and all wealth should be taken from everybody above this defined level of livability and given to those truly in need. A line drawn any where else is completely arbitrary.
Overall, my taxbill was not fair - all things considered. That is because the top 5% pay more than half of all personal income taxes. They are subsidizing me.