free parking


Money is mostly worthless: paper money that is. By chance people think its worth something because the government does not print too much of it. Sometimes they do and then you need a wheelbarrow to haul your worthless loot around. I'd like to be paid in airplane parts if that is what the company i worked for made. Not the actual part but some certificate of ownership. The company that bought the part would pay for it with certificates shares to whatever it made: airplanes. They would sell the airplanes to airliners who would pay in tickets. Therefore i could trade my shares in parts for tickets. This kind of relationship could be replicated throughout the entire world economy therefore removing the problem of fiat money. This would make money very fluid and eliminate the problems of inflation and it costing money to produce money. Also wages should be negotiated on a weekly basis eliminating the problem of wages not being as flexible to respond to market conditions. This would make the market very efficient and provide instant feedback loops through prices of shares. All markets would clear almost instantly. Instead we roll along with the governments monopoly on play money.

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