dont ask your doctor


Spiraling health costs can easily be reduced by curtailing all the new medicine and procedures that cost so much. Big Pharma is our enemy driving up costs - we should take the European model and not let them advertise the benefits of their drugs. That way consumers are kept in the dark over what potential ailments they have and do not see their doctor to learn more. This is the fault of the ownership society - the poor benighted do not have the volition to direct their own heath care. That is best managed by Hillarycare - an all-knowing benevolent concept of shared responsibility. The rich are responsible for sharing their wealth (giving back) through taxes to subsidise everyone else's unlimited health care wants. To control costs waiting lists can be introduced and drug prices will be fixed to discourage Big Pharma from developing new expensive drugs. Life is inherently unfair - so say the naysayers - but through coercive government action, everyone can be made equally ill - the egalitarians wish. This is societies choice: single payer statism or individualistic opportunity.

1 comment:

robeiae said...

I blame Ted Kennedy for healthcare problems. But then, I blame him for almost everything...

Conscious of the Benighted (home)