non blood nation


Given that we are more pluralistic than Europe, what attributes distinguish us from Europe and need to be emphasized for one cultural National identity? Of course the multi-culturalists with their segregated - hyphenated - vision for the American Nation will resent any effort by immigrants to assimilate. Best to keep them segregated to their foreign ways and pigeon-holed into minority voting blocks. African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native-Americans are seen as victims in need of reparations and redistribution of wealth. By keeping the multi-culturalist apartheid, their full integration will be diverted - always being in need of a powerful coercive taxing government to stick-it-to the 'man'. Privileged white non-Hispanics should feel an endless hapless guilt for their success - economic growth in general needs to be stunted to help the less fortunate catch up. Never mind the fact that in Europe, Nation is defined by blood, immigrant integration is a failure. Never mind that the U.S. is the most ethnically diverse/pluralistic industrialized Nation on earth because we define the American Nation, not by blood but by the ideals of individual liberty, free enterprise and limited government. Never mind that U.S. culture is the dominant culture of the world precisely because we accept all cultures into the melting pot and re-export the slag - human prosperity - the very thing multi-culturalists despise the most. All liberty minded inhabitants of the earth are eligible to join the American Nation and should refuse to be hyphenated.

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