an inconvenient dogma


What if it doesn't happen - what if the globe stays the same temperature? It seems pretty high and mighty of the new comi-enviros to assume that humans are powerful enough to alter climate on a permanent basis. Yes over a millenia but unlikely over a century. What, first the decree that we are no more than advanced chimpanzees then we are extra special earth wreckers. Can't they make up their mind? Are we or are we not part of earths natural system. Is or is not what we do natural or are we supra natural. The earth is always changing, sulfuric volcanoes atmosphere was replaced by bacteria, fungi, plant and later animal atmosphere. Are we Gods who have to maintain the present (statist) balance or can we rely on natures designer, who probably built in mechanisms that would counteract rapid climate change. Of all the greenhouse gasses CO2 is but one. Of all the systems that regulate earths climate, the greenhouse effect is but one. Yet Al Gore has determined that the debate is over and that earthlings have but ten years to act or else kaput.

1 comment: said...

Gore is so full of shit. Its difficult to understand why anyone with an education would listen to that globalist shill.

Conscious of the Benighted (home)