the great roundup begins


The elites brave debate has been silenced by the benighted masses. Even with the ad hoc endorsement of amnesty by the old media and polls confirming their stewardship of the issue, immigration reform has been stopped. Kennedy's shouting to opponents about the evil of their plan to roundup and send 20 million illegals home summed up the debate: since option one (the roundup) is inoperable then only option two is reasonable (amnesty). Now all the illegals will have to go back into the shadows - receiving free handouts to survive (the darkness that surrounds their existence) - court mandated taxpayer provided k-12 education, eligibility for welfare, non-discrimination (of the citizenshiply challenged) in housing and drivers licenses. Not to mention that most are uninsured and can't get preventive care before they end up in the insurance-payer/tax-payer subsidised free emergency room. Its almost enough to make some of them want to pack it up and head for home, withdrawing money from their no-proof-of-citizenship-required bank accounts. With families being exploited like this we will need to increase tuition assistance for illegals because all they get now is the in-state tuition rate. America is an uncompassionate place (why does everyone want to come here?) The way things are going, illegals will loose the right to vote too, if the courts let citizens demands for proof of eligibility requirements to stand.

1 comment:

Jon said...

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Conscious of the Benighted (home)