aclu where are you


Tapping on the floor a secret code is a crime in the Minneapolis Airport bathroom. In an unjust undercover operation an Evil Conservative is swept up - by expressing his constitutionally protected right to speech and sexual privacy. But don't worry, the ACLU will be filing a complaint soon and will be joined by Rossie O'Donnell, Jessie Jackson et al - in a massive march against the multiple recent outing of gay Republicans and Religious Conservatives by frothy mouthed media activists. (Unless the ACLU is a hypocritical organization that is...) 1973 Roe v. Wade is an explicit mandate for sexual/reproductive privacy written plain as day (Sandra Day? in Casey) into the U.S. Constitution - its a universal human right, right? (What, the Supremes making it up as they go along is a bad idea?) Well most people fall somewhere into the contradiction column sometimes but that does not negate truth. Someone advocating for monogamous marriage who has an affair - obviously a hypocrite - that act does not negate the belief that monogamy is better for society than promiscuity. Algore living in a big house with huge electric bills and John Edwards hedge fund advisory don't discount their commitments to global warming and poverty respectively. The difference between modern liberals and conservatives when it comes to hypocrisy is that conservatives bring ruin to their life when they don't practice what they preach. Modern liberals actually enrich their lives and make the world a better place when they deviate from their anti-consumerist / egalitarian Marxist dogmatism.

UPDATE: I heard the ACLU is taking up the case. Their take: Solicitation in public is OK as long as act takes place in private.

disregard higher standards of living


Well, you all know what Walmart represents? The absolute conquest of America to make this nation a factory town. First it was a department store destroying the mom and pop shops that are so vital to society. Then they branched out into groceries in Super Walmart incarnation, adding fuel and car service centers along the way. Look at the front of the store now (for you good spirited boycotters, I'll fill you in from my latest spy mission). They have little shops to get your hair done, eyeglasses, a place to get your prescription drugs, usually a McDonalds, sometimes a second party bank. They are planning on expanding into banking and opening their own health clinics. And then look around at who they prey on (for those of you who have never been outside the organic/boutique high end market, I'll fill you in) Their stores are teaming with poor people and people of color! And their employees too. Good thing minimum wage is going up, that way all the small shops that already have high wages and excellent benefits will be able to compete with non-union Walmart. Remember after Katrina when they rushed in to set up little makeshift supply depots trying to out-do FEMA. This was Sam Waltons plan: to offer low prices and reasonable service to lure the dimwitted (sorry, I meant people of less opportunity and systemic discrimination) in and have them go there for everything. Now its up to the intellectual elites of the nation to come together and suppress this Walmartation of the U.S. With their reputation for keeping costs down in higher education and government regulation of health care, who would not trust them?

non blood nation


Given that we are more pluralistic than Europe, what attributes distinguish us from Europe and need to be emphasized for one cultural National identity? Of course the multi-culturalists with their segregated - hyphenated - vision for the American Nation will resent any effort by immigrants to assimilate. Best to keep them segregated to their foreign ways and pigeon-holed into minority voting blocks. African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native-Americans are seen as victims in need of reparations and redistribution of wealth. By keeping the multi-culturalist apartheid, their full integration will be diverted - always being in need of a powerful coercive taxing government to stick-it-to the 'man'. Privileged white non-Hispanics should feel an endless hapless guilt for their success - economic growth in general needs to be stunted to help the less fortunate catch up. Never mind the fact that in Europe, Nation is defined by blood, immigrant integration is a failure. Never mind that the U.S. is the most ethnically diverse/pluralistic industrialized Nation on earth because we define the American Nation, not by blood but by the ideals of individual liberty, free enterprise and limited government. Never mind that U.S. culture is the dominant culture of the world precisely because we accept all cultures into the melting pot and re-export the slag - human prosperity - the very thing multi-culturalists despise the most. All liberty minded inhabitants of the earth are eligible to join the American Nation and should refuse to be hyphenated.

Conscious of the Benighted (home)