third party foul


Evidence points to inequality of decision making. Some people routinely make good choices as judged by society while others routinely shoot themselves in the foot. The scientific management model of modern liberals assumes rough genetic equality with observed differences explained mostly by environment. Using a diminishing marginal utility model, they can explain lazy unmotivated peoples behavior. How some people actually accomplish things like having transportation to and from this thing called a job to pay for their food and shelter is explained away as benefiting from past wealth/opportunistic chance. Problems of society are posited as though a solution exists rather than an eternal plague of humanity. Wealth redistribution (theft) is a favored solution of the modern liberal progressives. With a little articulate moral gymnastics they don't see this as stealing nor coercive. Classical liberals on the other hand assume genetic inequality (some are dumb) but have the hubris to know that third parties (even the elite minds) make even stupider decisions than stupid people would have made for their own lives. This is because third parties are often isolated from any negative feedback loops that the individual more directly experiences and use to adjust their behaviour. Human evolution since the dawn of civilization has only been 10 thousand years - only a blink of the eye in evolutionary time. Humans ultimately only have hunter/gatherer brain power. Classical liberals often appear looking foolish by acknowledging societal problems often have no government solution, but modern liberals throw out answers and remove all doubt.


Car Lovers said...

That picture is so crazy! How did they get that big house on that truck? You are talking about liberals like that's something bad! Why do you hate liberals so much? They aren't bad. I think some of my staff is liberal. But I don't really know. Sometimes when I talk politics to people, they get mad because of what Daddy does over in the Middle East. Sometimes there are protesters outside the gates of The Compound. Hey! Have you been out there?

T.S. said...

No, i don't dislike liberals. I myself am a liberal, and many of my friends are liberal. But i fall more in the classical liberal / libertarian camp than the modern progressive / populist liberal camp. (i think we generally want the same outcomes, just prescribe different means of getting there) I am no Bush fan - of his domestic agenda - other than tax cuts and court appointments, because he has ruined Republican small government ideals for big government activism re-branded compassionate conservatism. Yet I think many ideals defended by so-called conservatives are actually liberal ideals and that what is called liberalism in the U.S. is actually anti-liberal. I believe in individual liberty, free enterprise, limited government, and rule by law. Modern liberals, in my opinion, have just substituted old religious morality with their own new morality. Instead of banning adultery and homosexuality they are banning smoking and trans-fats and it has become a religion unto itself. I think people should be free to be gay adulterous trans-fat consuming smokers, without government intervention. And likewise if that life style does not work out for them, i think they should bear the consequences, not pass them on to society communally. I think when people are free to make their own choices in life they choose better on average than what can be imposed on them by government. I think capitalism is not about greed, but rather serving ones fellow humankind through following ones self interest, by interacting with others in voluntary exchange. I do not wish to impose my will on others through coercive government but would rather just let the natural order sort things out. I consider these ideals liberal.

Conscious of the Benighted (home)