obama endorsement
Me the editor(s) of this blog formerly endorse Illinois Senator Barrak Obama for President of the United States. As you may have heard: the war in Iraq is lost, transatlantic relations are in taters, the Bush economy is in the worst recession since the 1930's, and ocean levels are rising. Mr. Obama has a long established record for bringing about change, restoring hope in the future and transcending race, politics, and reason. Given the hyper-hyperventilation of the present times, only one candidate is uniquely qualified to quell, whats left of civilization and earth post-Bush. It is this editors view that McCain would be an unprecedented third term for the failed Bush/Rove policies. Senator Obama pledges to raise taxes on the Rich, "redeploy" from Iraq, and expand healthcare to all. Also, Global warming will be stopped in its tracks with no new oil drilling, and windfall profit taxes on oil companies will help bring down the cost of gasoline.
Amid the New Politics fad, brings Ross Douthart and Reihan Salam's excellent new book about how to re-brand the GOP. You see, what Sam's Club republicans really want is a New Deal government intervening in their lives so they don't screw it up (government has a near perfect track record). The secret to electoral success is to become Socialist Lite. It could have just as easily been written by the editors of The New Republic. Given the impending (dogmatic) trouncing of Conservatism (it dies forever every 15 years) this book should be read as a satire. Clearly it is not a serious roadmap relevant to reality - perception and emotion do not make it true.
Just as the current sky is falling crisis plays out in Humanities imagination, that common foe of utopia is lurking around the corner: REALITY. The Camelot/Great Society fizzled to stagflation reality. Humans are ultimately stupid, myself included. Somehow the scientific method has failed in the social sciences. Markets/evolution are anti- scientific method and therefore wise - transferring information. But that does not stop people with the Audacity of Hope to wish in the impossible. Time is always on the side of the Realists providing the feedback loops that reveal true Knowledge and correct ignorance. The present illusionary fantasy can be brought to its knees only by the election of the Obama messiah, and thus the world will learn how to breath again.
Don't forget about global warming and climate change and equal rights for women (unless they're gun-toting jesus freaks or running against The Chosen One.)
Plus, Halliburton.
Oh yeah, and I also forgot to mention greenhouse gas emissions, polar bear extinction, and the melting ice caps. And Blackwater.
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