rock the vote 08


To the young voters in last years election (Addressed to no one in particular) Ok Cool-aid drinkers. I think the real symbolism here is the fact that many of you went to a theatre to experience the coronation event in a communal setting. (Oh we don't have a working TV antenna... blah blah blah) As many have already noted, and I'm only repeating, about herd of "independent" minds, and the need for collective Obama reveling - you know sermon on the mount - er capital hill. Think back in history - the mob is almost always wrong (a tenet of populism). What freedom loving independent minds congregate in mobs? Think French Revolution. Yeah they escorted out monarchy to bring in a dictator. Think post Wiemar Republic Germany and the National Socialist rallies (abbreviated Nazi or something to that effect). Think the May Day rallies on Red square in front of the Kremlin. Think present day Hugo Chavez promising all to hungry impoverished mobs, subsidizing fuel Oil in Massachusetts, making no real changes for the hungry impoverished mobs of Venezuela. Even Mob rousing greats like King and Gandhi, had overt Marxist (anti-individual) leanings. Yes they were pure in their ideological advocacy for nonviolence. In practice both were violent in a metaphorical sense. King with his extramarital affairs, Gandhi with his demeaning and sub human views of Native Africans while in South Africa. Well now we have Hope instead of Fear, yet Fear of consenting adults engaged in Capitalism is Fear No 1 of the day (Sodomy thats OK - but Capitalism - Surely no free person would choose that). Well now we have a president who "believes" (key word btw) in "science" - yet is dusting off the old Keynesian Bible long ago written off by these people who do real work in the economic sciences (people with unfamiliar names (to Krugman) like Hayek, Friedman, Von Mises, and of course Sowell). Change must mean forgoing common sense, and the very underpinnings of western civilization (Then again, the easiest way to make the world an egalitarian place, is to make all equally poor). Outlaw Farm machinery and we can return to full employment!!! Well its good to know at least someone is supporting an evil multi nation corporation - Kimberly Clarke (the maker of Kleenex). Thank you for your support. I'm sure when the house of cards inevitably comes down (Kennedy's accountability was transferred to Johnston - Camelots great escape) and Keyenes is discredited yet again (if only for one generation) Kimberly Clarke will be gainfully employed again by slightly wiser liberal mobsters, returning to reality, but with only the "vast right wing conspiracy" to blame - aka Providence (or for secular PC slaves to ill-liberalism - a loose concept to be called: the opposite of deconstructivism). PS you still have until 30 to use your brain in addition to your heart, as some drunken idiot (Churchill?) from England once said

UPDATE: The Tea Party is a mob of freedom loving individuals undercutting my main point.

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