club of dictators


The League of Nations was an idealistic foreign policy dream to end conflict, now called the United Nations, and its still a fantasy. True legitimacy of foreign action is not granted nor denied by a gang of nations who's objectives may or may not be to advance the lofty U.N. charter that they signed to get into the club. Natural law is the architecture that is the true governor and judge of humankind. The individual has a right to self defense, and when people came out of a state of nature to form a nation, one of the powers granted from the individual to the nation was protection from other nations. The people within a nation provide laws that govern themselves, but governments powers come from the people and governments cannot set up a structure that supersedes their granted powers from the people. International law is lacking in legitimacy if comprising more than a treaty between nations that is limited in scope to protecting their peoples natural rights.

The U.N. is the last best hope for the progressives. It meets all their requirements. Centralized top down design. Appointed technocrats and bureaucratic committees. A one size fits all vision. Scientific management by elites over individuals. A forum where the less successful can pass resolutions demeaning their supposed oppressors. No accountability and immune from failed policies. (Why can't our government be more like this they lament) When the U.N. gets its own revenue stream, other than nations contributions, the death star will be indestructible.

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