nature nuture soul


The progressive view regarding where human actions originate from is a non individual fault proposition. Biology is discounted by progressives (radicals not to long ago believed that even gender traits were learned) believing in a blank slate that is written on by environment - genome project be damned. These progressive environmentalists also discount the human soul sometimes even denying its existence. Common people do not make their own choices - that is the duty of elites. They believe if only humans were born and raised in a nurturing environment all would be well. Society at large is responsible for all evil - systemic triumphantalism. They wish to strictly control this developmental environment - and resort to their beloved scientific modeling and government coercion tactics (it takes a village i.e. the state). All is chance and random - there is no higher purpose in their vision - and they have received their superior vision for society not from their soul, or derived from reason, but through sheer emotional revelation. This religious wishful thinking dictates 'these people would not choose this for themselves, lets help them with what they really want.' Contrary to this vision are the soulful who believe humans are judged on their own self actualization and will to change the inherent path of fate that biology and environment try to dictate - a hierarchy of powers is prevalent. Biology is cruel - quite the opposite of egalitarian values - people are born with vastly different skills and flaws. These are very innate irregardless of environment - environment being mostly just the expression of ones biology. However, personal responsibility and accountability still exist as articulaters and arbiters of ones genetically encoded fate. At some point in ones life, while climbing maslow's pyramid, the soul has the potential to be expressed if the individual wants to modify, although not completely able to escape fate. This is everyones mission if they are willing to choose it, before they self destruct.

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